How to Do a Backbend Kickover in Gymnastics

To do a backbend kickover in gymnastics is considered to be a highly skilled trick. Along with mastered bridges, cartwheels and handstands in gymnastics, this trick equally needs training and practice to perform. If you combine all these three moves and create a new move with back-bending, it will be called kickover in gymnastics. This move requires sheer balance and strength with some flexibility at the same time. Many professionals say that this move alone is considered very tough and during a competition it is regarded as an extremely skilled effort that can often win you a big championship.


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    Stretching lower back

    Stretching lower back and your hamstring is the first part do a backbend kickover in gymnastics. Keep stretching your lower back and hamstring until you cannot stretch further. Now bend backward and carefully see that your hands touch the ground while bending. While stretching your lower back and hamstring, make a bridge type position using your lower body weight. It will also give your stronger leg slightly more strength to kick off. Raise your legs into the air over your hips as this will also give you a complete kickover.

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    Keep your head off the ground

    Keeping your head off the ground while performing a backbend kickover, you need to support yourself with the help of your hands and legs. Keep your arms at the same time straight as possible. You need to understand that it requires a lot of practice to do other different types of moves in gymnastic.

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    Landing on your non-dominant leg first

    To do the backbend kickover in gymnastics in a fully professional manner, you need to land on your non dominant leg first. Later when you gain a little balance, start raising your lower body along with your stronger leg. As soon as you will put both your legs on the ground, raise your arms in the air. The first backbend kickover is completed but to repeat the method, start when your body is fully warmed up. After doing it for the first time, you will get clear idea that this move certainly needs many practice sessions. Before going for the second time, practice handstands and try to make bridges with the help of your lower back and legs. Try to learn how to concentrate throughout this move and always keep your eyes on your hands.

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    Be Patient:

    Remember to be patient while try to do a backbend kickover in gymnastics. Like most difficult moves, they can take a lot of practice. So take your time and you will soon perfect the methods for doing this difficult move.

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