How to Do a Collaborative Divorce

Divorce is not simply an end rather it is a transition from one life to other. Generally, it is a complex, confusing and strange process as both parties try to prove their spouse responsible for this separation. In traditional divorce, people seek help from courts to get to marriage settlement and this legal process is not only time consuming but also expensive.

However, one can avoid all this by choosing an alternative process called collaborative divorce. In this method, both parties negotiate and make an acceptable agreement with some professional help. After finding a common ground, all you need is to get this agreement signed by a family court judge.


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    First of all you need to understand the benefits of this method. The collaborative divorce helps you resolve critical issues such as child custody, spouse support or property division gracefully. In this method, the family court judges do not call you for hearing rather they merely approve your agreement.

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    Remember you and your spouse should be on the same page to use collaborative techniques for the divorce. Try to make your partner realise that this is a less expensive and time saving method which will also help you to resolve all the issues without any clash.

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    If your spouse is ready to cooperate then you will have to find a competent lawyer or mediator. You may also hire your own attorney but make sure that they have prior experience of collaborative cases.

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    Provide your attorney the complete information of both parties. You will have to tell your lawyer everything about your marriage. Do not hide anything as it can harm your stakes in the settlement agreement. Dictate your attorney and let him/her know the purpose of this collaborative divorce.

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    Next thing you will have to do is to arrange a joint meeting in which your spouse and both attorneys will be present to discuss every aspect of this matter. During this meeting, you may find yourself in a situation where the opposite counsel is asking you some direct questions. Do not lose your temper and provide complete disclosure of all complaints and financial record.

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    Both divorce lawyers will help you in formulating an agreement which is agreeable also to your spouse. Draft this settlement agreement tactfully as it should address all the major issues like child custody, distribution of property and responsibility of loans.

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    After completing the agreement, take it into court and get it signed by the relevant authority.

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