How to Do a Rear Naked Choke in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Being a weapon of mass destruction is something everyone is capable of becoming. However, sometimes people need to learn how to choke people out, as opposed to beating them senseless.

This not only helps your opponent from needing facial reconstruction surgery after you are done with them, but it also makes you avoid getting fatigued over something you really don’t care about.

The rear naked choke, apart from sounding really awesome is actually a fairly decent way to knock out your opponent without having to hit them. Technically you are just hugging them in a manner that they don’t approve of.


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    Confuse opponent

    The first step to applying the rear naked choke hold, is to confuse your opponent. This is because if they know what you are about to do, they won’t let you, and this can prove to be rather annoying and a massive waste of time.

    In order to avoid this from happening, do a lot of random things, which could include screaming or running in circles. This will throw your opponent off, who might think you have no intent to carry on with the fight, even though you actually do.

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    Get in position and strike

    Now in order to do the rear naked choke, you need to get behind your opponent. Now soften them up by going crazy on them with your fists. When they expect you to punch again, surprise them by sliding one arm around their neck, with it going right below the chin.

    Now take your other arm and place it on the back of their head, make you’re your hand is in the shape of a fist while doing this.

    Grab your arm with the fist shaped hand via the bicep and squeeze tightly.

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    Taunt opponent and enjoy

    Now you can witness your opponent passing out, so you need to do that what is the right thing to do. This can be done by laughing at them, or talking smack all up in their face. With them not being able to respond, even if you make rather poor comments that are not remotely funny, they will seem like they are, simply because your passed out opponent can’t say anything back.

    Keep doing this for a while, till the referee breaks you two up and declares you the undisputed champion of the world at rear naked chokes.

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