How to Do a Superman Punch in Martial Arts

Do you wish to become a martial arts specialist? If yes, you need to be aware of the superman punch, which is one of the most brutal finishing moves. It is not easy to master and you need months of practice in order to deliver it against any of your opponents.

Although this punch can prove to be great for the attacker, but it is advised not to try it if you have not completely perfected it. In that case, your rival will defend and then put you in a vulnerable position.

The dramatic name was given to this punch because the attacker has to take a leap before delivering it.


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    Improve your speed

    Martial arts is all about speed. If your opponent is faster than you, there is no chance of survival at all. Whether you are on the attack or defence, you have to make sure that the speed of your move is enough to overpower the other person. Therefore, you have to do some stretching exercises in order to move your muscles swiftly.

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    Gain strength in your forearm

    In order to deliver a lethal punch, you have to gain strength in your forearm otherwise you will end up hurting yourself. Therefore, hit the gym regularly and practice hitting punches on a hard surface in order to become used to this move.

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    Strengthen your bones

    If you have weak bones, you should never think of becoming a martial arts specialist. Take a high dose of calcium regularly in order to gain strength in your bones.

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    Take a fighting stance

    Whenever you are involved in a fight, you have to position yourself in a good position. There is a special stance required for this purpose. You should lift your hands up, so that you can defend any aggressiveness from your opponent and then quickly respond.

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    Take a leap

    Once you see the opportunity, take a leap towards your opponent. It should not be an ordinary jump, as you have to deceive your rival. Therefore, keep one of your legs bent forward, so that the other person gets the impression that you are about to kick him/her.

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    Deliver the superman punch

    As soon as you reach near your opponent, move your leg backwards into a normal position and position your hands accordingly. Aim for the head of your rival and hit him/her with full strength.

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