How to Do Basic Dressage Successfully

Dressage is a French word that is used for the purpose of training horses. It is not something related to the ordinary training of horses but it is a fine term used for the purpose giving delicate training. Some people frequently mention to dressage as horse dancing. In addition, the goal of the dressage is to get your horse familiar with some of the common commands and make him perform some of the stylish body moves. Before teaching your horse some specific skills, it is strongly advised that you teach him the basic dressage.


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    Find correct position

    You cannot teach the horse commands while making him uncomfortable at the same time. It is of considerable importance that you should find a suitable position for yourself in the saddle. You must show some flexibility to the horse otherwise he will act likewise. You must sit properly and do not try to overburden the horse. In order to ensure that the dressage will begin successfully, you must master these basics otherwise the task will just become more difficult and in most cases it proves to be of very little use.

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    Be relax

    After you have positioned yourself properly, you must do some exercises to bring the horse in rhythm. It is important that you should make a schedule of your program and perform it on regular basis. Doing all this calmly is of utmost importance as trying to rush things can turn bad both for you and horse.

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    Improve the regularity of gait

    After you have made the horse habitual of regular schedule, you should try to improve the regularity of gait. You should keep in mind that it is necessary to keep the same motion. It does not matter it is walk or trot; you should continue it.

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    Try to build the rhythm

    After you have done enough practicing with the horse, you must try to build the rhythm.

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    Be flexible with horse

    You should not try to give tough time to the horse and be flexible with him. For this, consider allowing him to move the way he wants or he feels comfortable. In order to teach dressage, it is necessary that you let the horse move in a comfortable manner.

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    Give rewards to horse

    You must not forget to give rewards to your horse for every little improvement that he makes.

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