How to Do Graffiti Letters

Graffiti lettering is the way of turning the conventional alphabet into a nice piece of art work. Therefore, graffiti letters will encourage you to create eye catching word snaps and attractive messages in-order to attract the attention of the viewers. Proceeding with the letters of a place, name or a concise message, graffiti designers give the lettering curves and angles to make the letters deluge together, fold-over and sometimes affix together. The graffiti drawing techniques in this article will offer you the basic lessons for drawing some awe-inspiring letters, which will applaud you to experiment and cultivate your own unique chic and style of writing.
Write the Basic Word:
First of all write down the simple word or combination of letters, on a plain paper which is to be written in Graffiti way.
Making Outlines and Borders:
After you have written the word or letter that you want in Graffiti, draw outlines of that word in such a way that the borders are not disturbed. -
Drawing Designs in the text:
Once you have drawn the outlines, start decorating the letter with the designs of your choice. These designs may include dots, flowers or stars to add up to the attraction of your text.
Filling in With the Colors:
As you are done with making design in your text, the next step should be to fill them with colors. You can use any of your favourite colors in the text but try keeping them within the space. -
Making Border:
Once you are done with the coloring, the next thing you should do in order to add attraction to your text is make a border. You can simply draw it on the edges of the page or text. -
Providing the Background:
Finally if you want your text to appear vividly, then it is advised to add a contrast or background to the text.