How to do Smack the Stack Card Trick

Smack the card is another cool trick that can really amaze the spectator. As it goes in many other card tricks, the performer asks the spectator to select a card and memorize it. The selected card is then buried in the deck and the performer gives the deck a few riffles and shuffles. After that performer asks the spectator to slide out the top and bottom card at once off the deck and put both at the bottom three times, while the fifth time the cards are placed on the top. Next performer shows spectator the bottom cards three times and asks if that is the selected card. In doing so, performer places the three cards on the table while two cards are shifted up the deck. Finally, performer asks the spectator to hold the three cards on table between thumb and index finger. As performer smacks on the three cards the only card left will be the one chosen by spectator.


  • 1

    Ask the spectator to select a card from the deck and put it back on the top of the deck and make sure it stays there.

  • 2

    Now ask the spectator to slide two cards off the deck such that one card from the top and other from the bottom and then shift both the cards at the bottom of the deck.

  • 3

    Repeat the above procedure for about 5 times. However, upon repeating it for the fifth time, end up by placing cards at the top instead of putting at the bottom.

  • 4

    After this, show the spectator the bottom card and ask if that is the one chosen. If it is not place in on the table and shift one card to the top from bottom.

  • 5

    As you will show the bottom card second time to the spectator, the chosen card will be right behind it. Carefully you will slide that card out and put it on the table.

  • 6

    Now when you will have three cards on the table with spectator’s card at the bottom, ask the spectator to hold the three cards from the corner such that the bottom card has a stronger grip.

  • 7

    Finally, while the spectator will be holding the cards, you will smack them gently. This will leave the bottom card at the bottom which will be the Spectator’s card.

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