How to Do the Candlestick Move in Cheerleading

Cheerleading dances are one of the famous attractions of American football. A lot of people like it and it is usually performed by a group of trained college going girls. Candlestick move is the foundation of cheerleading moves and is the simplest and the easiest move which can be performed by new cheerleaders, who require a lot of time to perfect the other hard moves. You cannot become a cheerleader if you are unable to perform this move so in order to make a permanent place in a cheerleading squad it is vital that you perform the candlestick move like no other. The better you perform the more chances you will have of becoming the top cheerleader in the squad. Keep reading this article to learn how to perform this basic move without any problems.
The first thing is the warm up, which is essential for any physical activity. After building up a sweat, begin by putting your arms in a touchdown position; this is the position in which you keep your fists forward with the arms down. Remember you need to keep your arms locked and straight for this position.
Now you need to rotate the shoulders in an upward direction. You have to continue rotating your shoulders before stopping in the middle.
The next step is to put your arms in the upward direction. The arms by now should be straight in front of you, tight and locked, with your fists pointing towards the sky/ceiling.
It is important that you keep your donut holes in the upward direction towards the sky or ceiling with your arms tight.