How to Do the Haka Dance

Haka is a traditional “Maori” dance from New Zealand. There are various types of this dance form as every tribe has its own style. The most common dance style is called “Ka Mate” which has become popular because national rugby team of New Zealand has been performing it at every prominent tournament.

The Haka has a long history as it is an ancient war dance which people do in the memory of a tribal chief who overcame the rival tribes. It is used to intimidate the opponents but only the perfect execution can fulfil its purpose.


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    Form a group:

    The first and foremost thing you should to do is to gather some people. Haka is traditionally done in large group as more people means more impact of this dance style. However, you should not exceed a certain limit otherwise it will become difficult to synchronise all the steps. Moreover, pick only those who have a natural inclination towards dance as they will easily be trained.

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    Let someone lead the group:

    In traditional style of Haka, all the members of group follow a leader who is shouting “Ka Mate”. Though, the chorus is in “Maori” but you can translate it to any language to make it more understandable. “Ka Mate” means “It is death” so you should shout it with full force and expression. Rest of the group members can repeat it after their leader or they can stick with only dance steps.

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    Do it with perfection:

    Haka is a famous dance style and almost everyone knows something about this dance so you should do it with perfection. You may seek help from some professional to avoid any embarrassing situation. Make sure that you know every move and its ritual significance.

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    Be innovative:

    Doing traditional Haka does not mean that you cannot add something new in this dance. There are many variations in hand and body movements. Try to employ these innovative modifications. You can also get new ideas from different video sharing websites.

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    Practice often:

    The key to do flawless Haka is nothing but practice. Once you are done with the preparations, assemble your ideas and try to form a sequence. Practice with your colleagues and keep doing until you are satisfied with your performance.

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    Show what you got:

    Last but not the least, you need to perform in front of your opponents with full spirit. Remember, Haka is a war dance so you should look aggressive, menacing and overpowering.

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