How to Do the Hamster Dance

Have you ever wished to dance like a hamster? It sounds funny but there is a proper Hamster Dance that is equally famous among kids and adults. It is also called the “Hamster Dance.” It was basically put up by an intelligent Canadian arts student Deidre LaCarte from a Geocities page. This wonderful dance consists of few rows of animated (energetic) hamsters along with another group of rodents, boogieing in a variety of moves to a sped-up sample from Roger Miller’s song “Whistle Stop.” It then took no time in touching the skies and became famous all over the globe.

Doing the ‘Hamster Dance’ is not only easy and fun, but a terrific activity to keep your body in shape. Hamster Dance’s hilarious moments make it an entertaining activity for children, keeping them engaged for a long time.

Things Required

– Comfortable shoes
– Non restrictive clothing
– Fuzzy tail – optional


  • 1

    Put on your comfortable shoes and stand properly with both of your hand by your sides. Now set your feet with proper distance in-between and position them at your shoulders’ width (breadth).

  • 2

    Now, use your right foot to take two medium steps forward and then gently throw-up your opposite hand (left hand) first and then the right hand.

  • 3

    Go round and take a slight bow. With your hand at your sides, shake your back end to come up with a better move.

  • 4

    It is the time to take two medium-distanced steps forward (frontward) and then throw-up your left hand, followed by the right hand.

  • 5

    Jump as high in the air as you can and throw up both of your hand into to air at a time, shouting "hey! hey!"

  • 6

    Now turn around again to face the centre (midpoint) of the room and grab your dance partner with your hands around her/him and ask them to practice the Hamster Dance with you.

  • 7

    After you have learned the above mentioned simple steps just repeat and practice, remembering the given below words and singing them while dancing:

    - Take two medium steps forward and hands up!

    - Take a slight bow

    - Now take two steps in the backward direction (towards a wall)

    - Hands up!

    - Jump in the air and shout. “Hey! Hey!”

    - Grab your friends, and take him/her to dance floor. Everybody - Hamster Dance! 'Hey!”

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