How to Do the Hoedown Throwdown Dance

Miley Cyrus, the star from famous television show Hanna Montana, is known for her acting and singing skills. She is also very good and innovative when it comes to dancing and her music videos often introduce some new moves for dance lovers.
She recently came up with her hoedown throw down moves and fans are going crazy about it. Doing this dance is not so hard if you break it down in steps and follow them accordingly. It can be done with relative ease but like all things, needs a lot of practice and patience for success.
Pop It
Extend your left arm as far wide as possible while the rest of your body remains stationary. -
Lock it
Crouch a little to your right and make an arch with your arms to lock it. -
Polka Dot It
Shuffle with your left foot towards the left while you wag the right hand’s index finger to this step. Shuffle only a couple of times. -
Countrify it
To countrify it, you will need to move your right heel in a way that you raise your foot, move back and do the same with the left coming forward and go back into your original position. Move your body along. -
Hip Hop It
Move your body from higher position to a lower position and bend your legs as well. Do the same with your arms in a short semi arch. Make three movements. -
Hawk in the Sky
Spread your arms wide open and bring them close. Make a hawk as if it is flapping its wings. Move your left foot on its heel with the foot in an upward direction. -
Side to Side
Overlap your arms on top of each other and move them from one side to the other, keep your lower body stationary and make this movement with the help of the upper torso. -
Jump to the Left
Scope your left foot and change you stance quickly to the right and scope with your right foot as well. -
Stick It and Glide
Make punches of both hands and as you move down, put your foot down hard and move the knuckles down. Then quickly slide down in an artful manner with your hands spreading out coming from a lower level to a slightly higher one. -
Zig Zag Touch
Do a zig zag with your right foot and then raise your right foot and touch the heel with your left hand behind your back. -
Across the Floor
The next step is to move across the floor. Let your right leg guide you and move towards the right side in a hip dancing style with the right foot sliding just a touch. -
Shuffle in Diagonal
Making flapping arms movement independently and first move to the back on the left and then make a diagonal movement to the right, shuffling and moving to the back one again. -
Hit the Drums
Kick with the left foot and punch down with your right and do the same alternating hands and arms and put your hands on the hips. -
180 Degree Twist
Do a 180 degree twist from back to front.