How to Do the Lele Uwehe in Hula

Hula is very popular Hawaiian dance, which has up to 26 distinct steps, and Lele Uwehe is one of them. All these steps including Lele Uwehe are described by the words that have to be spoken out while taking those steps. It is one of the most comprehensive traditional dances in the world, very difficult to learn, especially if you want to learn all 26 steps, which in most cases even natives cannot master. It is nevertheless more energetic and enjoyable and yet very attractive dance in the world. Group dance is the particular attraction of it.


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    As in case of all other dances, you should start with basic steps in case of Hula dance. You do not need to jump on to the Lele Uwehe step, although it attracts you when you watch a group of people dancing. You can learn about the dance online through watching video content, take lessons and even if lucky can find a free tutor to help you learn the dance quickly. Having Hawaiian friends who know the dance very well is one way to learn about the dance.

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    Once you have picked up the basics of the dance, you can learn about the Lele Uwehe step, specifically. Be assured it is not just a step, you will have to learn this language from the traditional dictionary as well. So, you should be able to speak out the word practically once you are able to dance on these steps.

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    It is better to first learn the language of the dance and have a deep understanding of it. There are 26 steps in this dance and even more terms in its dictionary. You should learn all those before stepping on the dance floor. It is particularly interesting how to pronounce these words while taking the actual steps, which are the only charm of dancing on those steps. Without letting these words louder in the air, you cannot enjoy the dance, and you will even bore your audience more than yourself.

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    Lele Uwehe as explained in the traditional Hawaiian dance dictionary is a combination of two steps. In Lele you take the right step and then bring back your left foot at a hela position. When you bring back your left foot back in line with your right foot, this position is called Uwehe. Uwehe is repeat of the left position first at hela position and then in line with the right foot. If you theoretically understand these words or steps, you will be able to imagine or pick up on actually steps quickly.

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