How to Do the Mirror Image Card Trick

This particular type of self-working card trick is probably the simplest one that can be played. When played in front of the audience, it makes them feel that an image of a card has appeared on another card. All that it required is a placing a piece of mirror sheet along with any card that has been chosen. Since the mirror sheet has a sticky surface so when you place a selected card with it, it will seem to have formed an inverted image on the other card. It is advised that you should have the card prepared from the mirror sheet before playing the trick.

Things Required:

– Mirror Sheet
– Scissors
– Pen or pencil


  • 1

    Take a card out of the deck and place it over a mirror sheet. Mark the sides of the card on the mirror sheet and cut along the created line with the help of a scissors.

  • 2

    After preparing a blank card out of the mirror sheet, select any card at random from the deck for which you want to create a mirror image in front of the audience.

  • 3

    Once the card has been selected, place it inside the deck with a mirror card that was cut out earlier.

  • 4

    As you place the mirror card on the selected card, slide it over in such a way that the thin plastic sheet on the mirror card peels off but the audiences are not able to notice it.

  • 5

    When the plastic sheet on the mirror card will peel off, it will have the selected card stuck with the peeled surface.

  • 6

    As you let the two cards stick there for sometime, there will be an image of the selected card on the mirror card that will surprise the audience!

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