How to Do The Rubber Band Up The Nose Illusion

Performing a fun trick in public is a great way of becoming the centre of attention. There are a lot of tricks that you can learn to pull off in a crowded bar or café later. One such trick is the rubber band up the nose illusion. As the name suggests, you will be simply creating an illusion that you have stuffed a rubber band up your nose and will stun, even gross out, the crowd that has gathered around you by pulling the rubber band out of your mouth. The trick is an easy one to perform, though it will take a fair bit of practice to perfect.


  • 1

    The first thing that you need to do is to get your hand on two rubber bands that look identical. It is really important for both the rubber bands to look exactly the same, or someone from your audience may be able to see through the trick, which would consequently ruin the trick.

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    Put one of the rubber bands around your wrist, while putting the other rubber band in your mouth. When you bought the rubber bands, they may have been in a sealed packet, but you have got no idea where the rubber band was or who touched it before it got sealed in the packet. Therefore, it would be a really good idea to rinse it. You do not want to end up getting an infection by putting a dirty rubber band in your mouth.

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    Now turn your attention to the rubber band you put around your wrist. Pull it and give it a twist once. When you twist the rubber band, you will have something that looks like an “8.” One half of the “8” will be wrapped around your wrist, while the other half of the “8” will be in your hands and therefore visible to the audience. You have to make sure that the audience are only able to see the part of the rubber band that is on your hands, while keeping the part of the rubber band twisted around your wrist well hidden. This will make the audience think that you have the entire rubber band in your hands.

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    Next, proceed to act as if you are stuffing the rubber band in your nose. Remember, you are not only pretending to put it in your nose, not really putting it in.

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    As you the rubber band touches your nose, let it go. It will instantly snap back to the wrist. The audience will be under the impression that you have put the rubber the entire rubber band in your nose, completely oblivious to the fact that it is has snapped back to the wrist.

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    Make gross snorting and grunting sounds to make the audience think that you are transferring the rubber band from the nose to the mouth.

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    Open your mouth and pull the second rubber band that you had hidden there out to reveal it to the audience.

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