How to Do Three Basic Wushu Stances

Irrespective of the style of martial art you are performing, some basic stances are of pivotal importance. Same goes for Wushu. You are required to do three basic Wushu stances which include the horse stance, the bow and arrow stance and finally the drop stance. Doing these three basic Wushu stances should not be too much of a problem after you have mastered the art. All that is required is continuous training and eventually you should be able to do Wushu as if you were a professional at doing Wushu.
Horse stance:
Horse stance is the first basic Wushu stance. If you are a beginner, stand straight, keeping your feet together. With your fingers curled inwards, bring your wrists against your waist. Make sure you keep your elbows pointed straight behind you. Bring your feet in a position so that they are slightly wider than your shoulders. Bring yourself in a position as if you were sitting in a chair. In an ideal horse stance, your thighs should be parallel with the ground. Make sure your feet are pointed directly forward, away from your body.
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While maintaining the stance from the previous step, straighten your back until it is at an angle of 90 degrees to the ground to assume the advanced horse stance. Bring your posterior in proper line with your back by adjusting without moving your feet. Finally, centre your body weight to distribute it over both feet properly.
Bow and arrow stance:
The bow and arrow stance is basically a continuation of the horse stance. After you are properly sitting in the horse stance, rotate your left leg at an angle of 90 degrees towards the left. Remember not change the perpendicular angle of your knee while rotating your foot. Straighten your right leg and turn your right foot at an angle of approximately 45 degrees towards the left. Bring the body portion above your hips in line with your legs and feet by turning it 90 degrees towards the left.
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Keeping your back aligned with your hips and without bending over your knee, extend out your right arm. Do not extend the arm to its full extent and keep it in level with the ground. Finally, pull back your left fist and bring it against your waist to complete the bow and arrow stance.
Drop stance:
Turn your feet towards the right hand side until they are in a position similar to the horse stance and then turn both your shoulders and your hips in the same direction. Relax your posterior on your left heel while avoiding bend in your right leg as much as possible.
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Turn your head in the same direction as your right leg while keeping your back straight and your feet flat and firm on the ground to complete the drop stance.