How to Do Zebra Print Lips

Lips are one of the most important features of one’s face. Although most of the females wear normal or formal lipstick on their lips, there are other type of shades or styles as well that are only worn on special occasions. Designer lips are one of the most popular in artistic lips styles, and Animal print lips are one of its most worn categories. There are several animal prints that several females like to wear, but zebra print beats all the others with its simplicity. Although many like to visit salons in order to have a zebra print on their lips, one can easily make it by herself without confronting much fuss at home.
Things Required:
– Foundation
– Powder
– Lip liner, neutral colour
– Lip liner, darker colour
– Lipstick
– Black eyeliner pot
– Makeup brush
Apply a base coat of foundation with the help of your fingers onto your lips, and then apply a thin layer of powder to set it.
Now take the neutral lip liner, and apply a layer of it to prevent your zebra print from smudging. Draw a thin line of liner around the circumference of your lips, and outline just the edge of your lips from inside with the colour. Slightly blend the lip liner by using your fingers.
Now fill your lips with your base colour. White lipstick is recommended to make the zebra print, though, one can also create an artistic zebra print by using different colours. Coat your lips with the white lipstick twice to get a good colour.
After you are done with the base colour, outline the lips with the help of a dark coloured lip liner. Make sure that you pencil in the liner around the circumference of your lips as well. Blot your lips with the help of a tissue, and then dab translucent powder on your lips with the help of your fingers to perfectly set your lipstick.
Take the thin lip makeup brush, and dip it into a pot of black cream eyeliner. Draw lines on your lips, always start from one corner of your lips while leaving space between each line to create a zebra pattern. Blot your lips with translucent powder to set the lines.