How to Download Google Talk for Nokia

G-Talk is a famous Instant Messaging tool which is most widely used all over the globe. You initially had this application installed on your computer, but now you can also stay connected with friends through the messenger on Nokia cellular phones. Instead of spending loads of money on text messages you can connect with your friends through G-Talk and remain in touch even if there is no computer available. This web based optimized app is a terrific platform for its users; you just need to download few relevant files in your Nokia phone and experience the advantage of this amazing application. After the installation you can avail all possible services of G-Talk which can be used on a computer; you can rename, delete or add a friend. Besides that you can also know if any of your friend is online on on chat. You can leave the conversation and resume it when needed. The conversation can also be saved in your cell phone’s memory.  Aside all these options, you can also avail every possible service of G-Talk but it also depends upon your cell phone whether it allows to display all the applications or not.


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    Internet is the only thing which is required to remain connected with G-Talk via Nokia Phone.

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    First you will have to install JAD - Java application Descriptor. This file helps mobile phones to interact with the web services. The size of the file is 1 kb.

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    If you are unable to install Java Application Descriptor or your phone does not recognize the file, then you can also install JAR - Java Archive file format, with 61 kb size.

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    After installing JAR, go back to the download menu in your phone and type in the Nokia’s Internet Browser WAP.

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    Next you will have to follow simple instructions and the download will be completed.

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