How to Download Mp3 songs from YouTube

You Tube is a famous website where people can freely share video with others. Users can easily upload view and share videos, but users who are registered on this eminent and prominent website can only upload the videos rest can only watch and share the link on other social networks. This service is serving worldwide and you can find any sort of video whether it is related to music video or any other field. The issue which few people suffer is to download the MP3 version of the song they are listening to or the music video they are watching on You Tube. A very simple method is mentioned below which will help you in downloading any sort of video from You Tube into Mp3 from Vidtomp3 Website.
Visit the You Tube Website and type the song you wish to listen or wish to watch the video, on the search bar.
The video of the song will open up. Now copy the URL of the music video and open another window to move to VidtoMp3 a specific website which will help you to convert the video in to MP3 song.
Type on the new window’s search bar and press enter.
On the main home page you will see a bar with the heading ‘Enter Video URL below to Convert into MP3.’ In that bar paste the URL which you have previously copied from the You Tube music video. Below the bar two options are mentioned, Standard Quality and High Quality, select the High Quality option and click on the Download button.
Now the process of conversion will start. When it will complete 100% conversion then your permission will be required to download the song into your computer. A blue colored dialogue box with the heading of ‘Conversion Complete, Preparing file for Download’ will appear on the screen.
Click on the hyperlink ‘Click Here To get your Download Link’
The page will reload and click on the ‘Download MP3’ which will be seen on the top of the page, with the heading ‘Thanks here is your Download Link’. The file will be saved in your Downloads folder.