How to Draw a Golf Ball

Drawing a golf ball should be very simple if you have only basic drawing skills. As a matter of fact, a golf ball is drawn identically to any other ball with slight variations in colouring and details. You will just need to ensure that the texture you draw is the same to that of a real golf ball. Fortunately, all the things you will need for drawing a golf ball should already be available in your home.

Things Required:

– Pencil
– Paper
– Compass or a circular object
– Grey and while colours
– Eraser


  • 1

    Decide the size in which you would like to draw the golf ball and accordingly open the hands of a compass. Insert a sharpened pencil in the compass and place a plain sheet of paper on a flat, wooden surface. Draw a perfect circle on the piece of paper using the compass. As an alternate to a compass, you can use any circular object such as the cap of a bottle and draw around the perimeter of this object to make the circle.

  • 2

    If you have ever closely observed a golf ball, you would have noticed that there are small oval shaped indentations on the entire surface of a golf ball. These circles closely resemble a beehive. However, circles on a golf ball are more spaced out as compared to a beehive. In order to create this texture, start drawing small ovals. Continue until the entire circle is filled with such ovals. You will have to be patient during this step because generally, there are hundreds of ovals on a real golf ball.

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    Use grey and white coloured pencils to shade the golf ball. To make the ball look real, consider filling each oval with a gradient from grey to white. This will make the ball look as if light was shinning onto the golf ball from the front.

  • 4

    You have almost completed the golf ball drawing. To take care of any imperfections, make changes to the drawing with an eraser and then redraw it correctly. Continue until you are satisfied with your artwork.

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