How to Ease Tension Headache

Life has become pretty fast-paced for nearly everyone. Coping with the pressure of getting to work on time, meeting deadlines, being over-worked, meeting performance standards, etc. has left people permanently exposed to stress and tension, which consequently leads to a tension headache.
When suffering from a splitting headache, people find their efficiency dropping really low and find it hard to cope with the different challenges that they come across during the course of the day. Therefore, it is imperative to do something about the headache instead of leaving it untreated, assuming that it will eventually go away itself.
One of the key reasons for tension headaches is eye fatigue. When you spend too much time in front of the computer screen, your eyes may feel tired and therefore begin to ache. The best thing to do under these circumstances is to rest your eyes. You can do that by taking a 10-to-15 minute screen-break and keeping your eyes closed for a while. You will immediately feel the effect of breaking visual contact with the computer screen and keeping your eyes closed. Relax your eyes even further by cupping them with the palms of your hands and applying slight pressure on them for two minutes.
Once you remove your palms from the eyes, you will find that your vision is blurry for a while. Do not be alarmed though, as your vision is bound to return to normal after a few seconds. -
After you are done relaxing your eyes, shift your focus to your temples, face, neck, shoulders and any other region of the body where you feel the tension. You will be able to recognise these tensed areas easily, as they will feel both tight and hard. Massage the aforementioned areas. Remember to massage your hands as well, as that will also serve to relieve both tension and stress.
Having a cup of coffee or tea is an effective way of easing a tension headache. Caffeine causes the swelling of blood-vessels to decrease, which in turn reduces the headache. A lot of strong painkillers contain caffeine as an ingredient.
Drinking plenty of water can reduce the intensity of a tension headache as well. When the body is dehydrated, it tends to become easily stressed and tensed. Therefore, increase your water intake to at least six-to-eight glasses a day.
Tension and therefore tension headaches can be relieved by inhaling soothing scents. It has been discovered that the cooling effect of peppermint can curb headaches and nausea, whereas stress can be relieved by inhaling the scent of lavender.
Try to calm your mind by breathing slowly and deeply. Forget about what it is that is causing you tension and start visualising yourself in a peaceful and calm scene.
Taking an over-the-counter painkiller such as Advil can give you relief from a tension headache in a matter of minutes.