How to Ease the Pain in Your Heart

Heart pain can be caused by different factors: the circulatory disturbance of the heart muscle, the changes taking place in the body and the diseases associated with it, as well as the lack of a number of substances that are required for the normal operation of the heart.

It can be heart disease, nervous stress, blood pressure problems, prolonged use of potent drugs, and many others. The heart muscle responds to changes in the body. Treating heart pain is a must because it is an organ without which we cannot survive.


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    Pain in heart is often characterized by pain in chest and we rush towards emergency treatment.  In this case, pain in the region of the heart does not always mean that the problem is in the heart. However, if you still feel the pain in the chest area and do not know anything about the state of their own cardiovascular system, you should consult a cardiologist.

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    Pain in heart cannot be ignored. It is important to undergo a complete examination in order to determine the root cause. To ease the condition, you need to take anti-anxiety herbs and drugs charges. It is worth noting that the drugs should only be prescribed by a doctor.

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    Vitamins E, F, selenium, chromium and potassium play a significant role in keeping a healthy heart. To saturate your body, include wholemeal bread, buckwheat, oats, or millet porridge, peas, beans, nuts, potatoes, cauliflower, unrefined vegetable oils, liver, eggs, carrots, peppers, greens, turnip vegetables, sprouted wheat, raisins, apricots, garlic, lemons, apricots, honey and green tea to the daily menu.

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    To relieve pain in the heart, prepare tasty medicine and take it for a few months. Mix 250 g seedless raisins, dried apricots, prunes, figs and rose hips. Pour all of the aforementioned ingredients in cold water and leave the mixture overnight. Eat 1 tablespoon in the morning. In addition, the daily drink 1-2 tablespoons of the mixture of carrot juice, beet and radish.

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    In some cases, heart pain can be caused by a deficiency of potassium and magnesium. Take Asparcam, Panangin or other similar drugs.

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