How to Easily Sell Books on Half.Com

Contrary to what most people assume, is not the only online store where you can sell books – also offers a great platform for users who are looking to deal in books. Membership on the website is free of charge, and users are offered easy instructions on how to begin the journey of online ecommerce.

Things Required:

– Computer
– Internet
– Books


  • 1

    To begin with, determine what sort of books you plan to sell, and which will earn you the most profit. Paying a visit to, and even browsing stores like ebay will give you a good idea in this regard – generally, textbooks and trade books have the most demand, and make the most profit.

  • 2

    Once you have determined what sort of books you aim to sell, and which ones are in demand at the current time, it is time to start browsing. Visit thrift stores and garage sales where used text books abound – while they might not be in mint condition, you will certainly be able to find a couple that are of good quality, and you can purchase these for around .50 to 1.00. However, while buying make sure you check the copyright date – books that are too old will not sell, so make sure it is within three years of printing, and not more.

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  • 3

    After you have obtained the books that you will be selling, visit, and complete the registration process as a seller. Obtaining membership does not cost anything, and you can read through the directions on the website for additional information and guidance – the instructions provided are fairly clear and user-friendly.

  • 4

    Once the registration process is complete, go to the website and input the ISBN number of your book (this can usually be found on the back cover). Generally, the website will suggest a price for the book, based on its condition, but sellers also have the option of listing any price they like.

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  • 5

    After you have listed your book, it will become available for buyers. Now, you will need to invest in some good mailing envelopes for the books you have made available – don’t worry about the shipping charges, as these will be calculated by for your customers.

  • 6

    Once someone purchases a book you made available, you will receive an email (so keep checking it regularly), and you will need to ship the book to your customer. Make sure you track the product and ask for delivery confirmation, to ensure that the book reaches its destination. The profits you earn will be deposited in your account twice every month.

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