How to Eat Low Carb at a Super Bowl Party

Super Bowl has become an event of sorts. You gather at a friend’s place and watch the game with people and there is beer and pizzas for your refreshment. However, if you are going through a diet plan and you do not want to indulge in eating high calorie meals you can go for other options. There are chicken wings, vegetable platters, cheese cubes, meat balls and low-carb nuts that you can consume to stay healthy. Try to avoid fizzy drinks and beer, and enjoy the game with a variety of healthy foods and by drinking a lot of water.


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    Chicken wings

    This is probably one of the most popular dish had while watching a Super Bowl game. Most people prefer to eat the chicken wings while they watch the interesting game on TV. The wings are low on calories and are one of the best meals you can have if you are conscious of your diet. Make sure the wings are not made with bread crumbs as that would be fattening. Also, try to fry the wings in Olive oil for best results.

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    Vegetable platter

    This is another low calorie meal which can be easily consumed while watching a game. There are a host of vegetables that can be used to prepare this dish including cucumber, tomatoes, broccoli and mushrooms. You can add to the taste by dipping sour cream over the vegetable combo.

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    Cheese cubes and mini meatballs

    Small cheese cubes and mini meatballs can help your hunger in a big way but the calorie content is good for your health. This will fill your stomach quickly and will also not affect your diet routine.

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    Drink lots of water

    Water is a must. Drink lots of water instead of beer or soft drinks. Water is healthier and can also help in filling your stomach so that you eat less when it comes to meal time.

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    Low-carb nuts

    Low-carb nuts are a great replacement to the usual potato chips that are had during every game. The low calorie content will not affect your diet routine.

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