How to Eat to Increase Brain Power

It is a wrong notion that only your body needs well balanced diet. Providing essential amount of nutritional elements is equally important for your mental health. The needs of your brain are equal to any other limb of your body.

Just imagine that you have a perfect body and your physical health is ideal but what will you do if your brain is not working properly. That is why; it’s really important to maintain your brainpower. Though, there are lot of methods to do this but the natural one is the best way.

All you need to do is to include some food items in your diet and you will feel a significant difference.


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    Increase the amount of whole-grains:

    Whole-grains, cereals, granary bread, pasta, wheat bran etc make sure that your body is getting the sufficient amount of glucose. This nutritious element keeps your brain energetic and alert all day long. You must understand that your brain is just like other parts of your body. It also needs a steady supply of energy to perform.

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    Bank on fish:

    Fish is an important and instant source of Omega-3 fats. You must know that the deficiency of fatty acids and DHA can cause Alzheimer. To improve your memory, you should include fish in your diet. Consider trout, salmon, sardines, kippers and herring as they are filled with useful fats. You can replace fish with soya bean oil, walnut oil, pumpkin seeds etc.

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    Go nuts:

    Recent studies show that nuts play vital role in increasing brainpower as they are full of Vitamin E which is an important natural agent to avoid cognitive decline. You must add walnuts, almonds, peanuts, pistachio etc in your daily diet plan.

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    Eat blueberries:

    Experts believe that nothing can replace blueberries in improving brainpower. That is because they are good source of nutritional elements. The additional benefit is that you can easily buy them in all seasons.

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    Consume Vitamin B:

    Vitamin B, B6 and B12 help a lot in bringing the level of homocysteine down. You must know that unnecessary amount of homocysteine in your body can lead you to stroke, cognitive impairment and Alzheimer. In an experiment, less brain shrinkage was observed in those who consume Vitamin B regularly.

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    Give sage a chance:

    Sage is considered as a natural source of nutritional elements that help in improving memory. You should not underestimate it.

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