How To Effectively Close A Sale

Closing is perhaps the most difficult part of the whole selling process. Being a sales person it is an obligation to be respectful to the customer throughout the sales process, but when the deal appears to break down, even after extreme hard work, pain is the natural output, which may lead to an angry response. It is however the process which makes or breaks the deal and should be planned in detail. There are many aspects to it and each one should be studied comprehensively.


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    Develop the Right Attitude

    The first angle to consider is your attitude during closing. You should be enthusiastic, dynamic and flexible during this phase. Clearly understand the psyche of the customer, and to which extent he or she is willing to go for the product. You just need to pose questions at this stage and avoid being too suggestive about the financial aspect. The only weapon you can use here is silence; it is something which works wonders. Remember, your focus should be to highlight the benefits the customer will get through the product.

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    Understand the Reactions of the Customers

    The second part is to look out for the reactions of the customer. If there is a sudden change in voice, attitude or posture, rest assured that the customer has decided on something. If the dominant emotion is excitement, it means that the customer is willing to give in. This is the time; when you need to act quickly and close the deal.  Even if the customer declines to take the offer, do not show any notions. This can ruin your impression altogether and in future, even If you have something within that specific customer’s price range, he or she will never entertain you.

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    Never Promise Anything

    The biggest mistake which rookie salespersons tend to make and which can really put the customers off, comes in the form of promises. When you are selling something you only recommend and never promise anything, in which there is even a remote doubt. Customers nowadays are very well informed and will catch you in a blink of an eye. For example, if you successful sold a product to the customer, and conclude by saying that the delivery is free and will be made inside 12 hours, you are putting yourself at a risk. There are many tangibles involved in the delivery process and chances are that even a local delivery can go awry.

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