How to Encourage Responsible Teen Dating

Whether you like it or not, your teenage son or daughter will want to go out on a date with someone they like sooner or later. Stopping them from going out with the person they like will only make them think of you as an evil person and consequently give them a reason to distance themselves for you. It will also encourage them to hide their personal life from you, while doing everything that their heart desires. This is a dangerous scenario, as you will not be able to guide your child properly if they do not share anything with you.
Instead of taking extreme measures to keep your teenager safe, it is better to educate them on dating. Encouraging responsible teen dating is the best way to keep them from losing their way while on a date.
Approach the subject of dating well before your child actually starts dating. The earlier you begin their education, the more prepared they will be before they start going out on dates. Typically, it should be the father who should talk on the subject of dating with the son, while the mother should talk about dating with the daughter.
Talk about issues regarding morality and sex with your teen. In modern times, the society has become over-sexualised. Nearly every TV show and film touches the topic of sex and morality. Instead of waiting for your teen to give in to their curiosity and start doing things that are inappropriate, you should sit down with them and lecture them on the two topics. Do not feel reluctant to talk to them about sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS, sex-related emotional issues, and pregnancy risks.
Set down some ground rules for your teenager before you give them permission to date. The rules should include the time by which you expect your teenager to return home, an introduction of your teenager’s date, and no drinking or going to dance clubs using fake IDs.
Explain the importance of holding on to the reins and not getting lost in the moment to your teenager. Tell them about the possible consequences of irresponsible behaviour.
Advise your teenager to call you immediately in case of an emergency. If they do not have a cell-phone, give them some extra cash so that they can give you a call from a nearby PCO (public call office) or phone-booth.