How to Enrich Your Compost

Compost is organic matter that is used as fertilizer and to make improvements to the content of soil. It can be made at home to save fertilizer costs and to take the steps towards sustainability and self sufficiency. You use unwanted stuff from your yard like leaves and kitchen waste like fruits and vegetables, beverages and even grains. All this is made into a heap and left for some time. The soil under the compost turns very fertile and grows great plants. It is also saved from the chemicals of commercial fertilizers which do show short term results but slowly poison your soil. Having a compost also reduces the amount of waste that leaves your house to be dumped. Since compost enriches your soil, it is important that it is rich enough itself in the first place.


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    Feed from the kitchen:

    Keep a bin in the kitchen where you keep throwing waste products from the day's work which can go into the compost. Vegetables and fruits that are not usable anymore are a favorite compost treat. From the peels to the seeds, put everything into this bin. One other substance that compost loves is coffee and tea remains. After you are done with making coffee, dump the grounds  into the bin. The used tea bags after tea making meet the same fate. Egg shells are also well loved and received. Any grains that are left over go into this bin. These materials from the kitchen build up energy and nitrogen inside the compost that is eventually transferred to your soil. At the end of each day, take out this bin and dump the contents on the compost pile.

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    Garden treat:

    It is a strange cycle. You feed leaves to the compost to get new ones. But of course the leaves that you feed are dried ones. When you mow your garden, collect the glass clippings and add them to the compost. Rake up the fallen leaves and feed them to the pile. This also keeps your lawn neat and clean because most of the waste produced there goes into the compost.

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    Paper meal:

    We have discussed the greens and browns that we can add to the compost from the kitchen and garden. There is an unusual substance that you can add to the pile. Paper makes great feed for a rich compost. Waste paper around the house now has a productive place to go. Old newspapers also make great compost material.

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