How to Enter an Iwama Ryu Dojo

Iwama was a little town of Tokyo where the creator of Aikido, Morihei Ueshiba used to reside. It was at that place where he formed his art known as aikido. The person that was lucky enough to spend a number of years learning directly from the master was Morihiro Saito, also an Iwama student. This art of aikido was named Iwama Ryu Aikido by Saito Sensei. After that, when Saito died, his heir Hitohira Saito, who was the student of both his father and Morihei Ueshiba continued with the legacy of Iwama Ryu and spread this art in the entire world.
Spreading of the art
Morihiro Saito’s son Hitohira Saito taught this art and spread it into places where his dad could not go to. As a result of this, in Iwama Ryu there are three Soke: Morihei Ueshiba, Morihiro Saito and Hitohira Saito. This martial arts needs humility, dedication, manners, sacrifice and bravery. Therefore, make sure you possess all these qualities as a person. Moreover, you can search for dojo websites over the internet. Google the words Dento Iwama Ryu and you will find the desired sites. This is also known as Traditional Iwama Ryu.
Get in touch with the professional dojo masters
Consult the webmaster or talk to the dojo teachers and seek information and knowledge on how to enter an Iwama Ryu Dojo. Request them to let you observe a class before you make the final decision on whether to enter or not. Know that the classes are ranked depending upon the level of the students in the dojo. Make sure you watch the complete class and ask relevant questions to the teacher before departing. Talk to various people and say farewell to the person who assisted you the most.
Buy the training costume
Purchase keikogi which is a judo kind training suit, slippers, jo, tenugui, tanken and bokken. Rush back and complete the registration forms and pay the monthly or yearly fees. Make sure that you are insured in case of worst case scenarios. Begin to practice the guidelines of the teacher, Sensei and the senior practitioners. Try not to leave the training even if you get tired, ill or if you are not feeling alright. Know that Iwama Ryu is not just a sport it is a way of life. Therefore, you need to observe it for your entire life and learn from it as much as you can.