How to Enter the World Rowing Masters Regatta

World Rowing Masters competition is a great way to see the world through competitive sports with highly-trained athletes. While there are many rules to follow for entry, it’s worth the effort for those who love the sport and want to see how they measure up to their peers from other countries. FISA, the Fédération Internationale des Sociétés d’Aviron, was founded in 1892 and oversees such events.

In order to compete in the World Rowing Masters competition, you must be at least 27 years old. Therefore, you will have to prove your age by using your valid passport or identity card. You will also be required to prove your nationality.


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    Decide if you want a mixed group. The rules allow mixed-gender groups of up to half male and half female.

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    Make your entry on a FISA approved form, found at the World Rowing site. Enter the names of the competing individuals, starting with the bow rower and ending with the stroke rower. The coxswain is listed last. There is no entry fee, but all applications must be received fourteen days before the start of competition.

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    Make sure that each athlete provides the necessary "whereabouts" information to the interested governing committees, including name and address, work address and schedule, any training you will be doing and where. Also mention how you can be reached any hour of the day for the months leading up to your international competition. This is so that you can be subject to "no-advance-notice" drug testing at the convenience of the committee.

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    You will also have to choose a uniform for your team. The uniforms are required to be identical for all crew members, as are any headgear worn by the crew. While not all members are required to wear headgear, it needs to be identical among those who do. Keep in mind that FISA provides t-shirts to all crew members, of which the arms and shoulders must be visible at all times, regardless of the individual uniform and colours worn.

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