How to Explain Menstruation to Boys

It is easier to explain to girls what is menstruation – periodic discharge of blood or mucosal tissue from uterus or vagina from the age of puberty – before they come to that age. The boys should also know about the subject but it is very difficult to explain to them about the condition that women go through and how they feel about it at that time. Nevertheless, you can be bold enough to explain it in simple and straight words to a boy or use other tools such as books to make them aware of it.
It is better that you start talking about human menstruation with boys at an early stage, probably when they are 10 years old. You can find it hard to explain the condition to them but nevertheless their curiosity can make them understand even in code words or between the lines. Being bold is not bad either and you can talk to them straight and in simple words.
You can use their friends, if they are already aware of the matter, to let them know. They can find it comfortable while talking with friends and they can easily discuss and understand the menstruation process.
Use some tools such as book, film or pictures to let boys understand. Reading a book can help in better understanding of menstruation and what physical changes happen in girls during that time. Watching a film can be even more helpful but be careful in exposing young boys to graphic material.
Use of pictures can also help boys understand menstruation process and related changes in woman body. Again, it is entirely up to you how much you want to expose them to such material. Printed or graphic material can also work in negative way for them.
You can also be straight while explaining how different parts of human body function, and explain them while using their real names. In this age of rich media content, boys are aware of such ideas to an extent and they can understand them with a little effort.
If you somehow are not able to explain boys about menstruation, wait for them to learn on their own. In this age of internet, they can happen to browse to such websites where such information is available. If you want to let them understand this through internet, you can purposely open websites containing information about menstruation.