How to Feed Your Dog Raw Chicken

Dogs are one of the most common pets in the world, with millions of dog-lovers present in different regions of the globe. Feeding a dog the right diet is often a problem for the owner. However, according to most experts, diet that consists of raw whole foods, similar to those eaten by the wild ancestors of dogs, is biologically the appropriate diet for a dog. Some experienced owners of dogs are of the opinion that about 60 percent of a dog’s diet should consist of raw meaty bones and a heavy share of that should be chicken. A dog can simply chomp up a chicken bone without the risk of choking, because they are quite soft. On top of that, raw chicken possesses a great deal of vitamins and minerals.

Things Required:

– Anti-bacterial soap and cleanser


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    Rinse the chicken

    The first step towards feeding your dog raw chicken is to visit a local chicken shop and buying a whole chicken chicken. Some experts believe that chicken wings should be preferred. Rinse the chicken under cold water to get rid of any disinfectants that might be on it because these substances are commonly sprayed on chicken by producers.

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    Feed the dog

    Having cleaned the raw chicken nicely, you can now place it in front of the dog or place it in the dog’s eating tray, bowl or plate. Keep in mind that you do not have to cut the chicken because your dog will crunch it up easily.

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    It is recommended that you give your dog one chicken wing per 10 pounds it weighs. For example, if your dog is merely 8 pounds, you just need to give it a small chicken piece per day. If it weighs 90 pounds, you would have to feed it a minimum of 9 chicken wings divided into two meals per day.

    However, it is advised that you observe how much your dog can eat per day, depending on its size and the amount of physical activity it indulges in. If the dog is getting aggressive at the time of feeding or you begin to see its ribs, you are underfeeding your dog. On the other side of the coin, if you dog gains weight, it gets bloated after eating or faces trouble defecating, it means that the dog is being overfed.

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