How to Ferry a Raft Across a River

Taking part in recreational activities and doing things which help relax you, is something that most people try to do every now and then.
Now a lot of people have different opinions on how to relax, but some people prefer to go out doors and use a raft or a boat to travel across bodies of water.
Every now and then, while rafting, people come across a situation where they need to get their raft across the river to the other side. Now this could be to pick people up on the other end, or because the currents in the water just aren’t favorable enough to ride the raft in.
In these situations, it is important to know just how to get your raft across the river, in order to save time and not get stuck waiting for the water currents to settle down.
The first thing that you want to do, is to figure out just how far apart the two edges of the river bed are. If you feel that the distance between the two is not too great, and they are around fifteen feet apart then you can try a very basic way to get the raft across.
What you need to do is tie a rope to the raft and on the other end, tie a stone. Now this stone needs to be heavy enough to travel the fifteen feet if thrown by hand, while being light enough for you to tie one end of the rope to it and throw it across.
Toss the stone across and have someone on the other end catch it. Once this happens, you simply have to pull the rope and get the raft to the other side. -
If the river is too far apart, you are going to need the help of a motorized boat to help you get the raft across. Now you can either ask someone who is passing by on their boat to help you out, or phone in and ask the local coast guard, or someone else who provides a similar service to help you out.
Once they arrive, tie a rope to the raft, and then tie the other end to the boat. Now simply go on and pull the raft via the boat and get it to the other side. -
Lastly, if the current isn't that strong and the people on the other side need to get on the raft, you can either paddle your raft across, or swim across the body of water, while pulling on the raft by tying it to yourself as you swim across the body of water.
This should only be done if the water is safe enough to swim in.