How to Fight Your Facebook Addiction

Addiction of any kind cannot be considered good. Even being addicted to doing good at all times can prove to be fatal. Drugs, alcohol, and smoking have been topping the list of addictions since over centuries; facebook is the new addiction of this era. Not only teenagers but adults are also addicted to this social network. People spend hours and hours either chatting with old friends or stalking other people. If you are also addicted to this social network and want to get rid of it then you should know that it is not impossible. In fact it is pretty simple a task.
Try deactivating your account when you have some important task to do. Once you are done with it, activate your account again.
Take in account the amount of time you spend daily on facebook. Then start cutting it slowly every day. For instance, if you spend 6 hours daily on facebook then set a goal that by every passing day you will lessen the amount by 20 minutes or so. Don’t set unreasonable and unachievable goals or else you will get demotivated and might get more addicted than you were previously.
Keep a track of how you spend your time on facebook. For instance, how many hours do you spend on chatting, how many on stalking and how many on let’s say playing games. Then slowly cut down the time you spend on each activity. You can spend less time on chatting by blocking the person you chat with the most. As for stalking, try to talk yourself out of it. Tell yourself that it is an absolute waste of time looking at other people’s lame pictures and statuses. As for playing games, try blocking such applications.
Avoid making comments on pictures and statuses. When you won’t make a comment you will not get a reply, hence there will be no conversation and you won’t be even curious about the other person’s reply. Also avoid uploading pictures and statuses on facebook.
If you trust a person with your life then give him your password. Ask him to change your password and not give it to you unless it is very important.
Give your trusted person’s phone number as your number to facebook and then use the security setting which sends you a code every time you sign in from a new browser. Don’t save your browser and ask your trusted fellow to give you the code to sign in only when there is an extreme urgency.