How to Fillet Salmon Steaks

Salmon is a fresh water fish that migrates to the ocean and returns to fresh waters to reproduce. It is native to the coasts of both North Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Many people think that filleting a salmon or any other big fish is an intimidating task. While it is not easy, if you follow some basic instructions you can easily fillet your salmon in 20 to 30 minutes. You don’t need special equipment, only a sharp knife and a cutting board are enough.
Things Required:
– 10 inch butcher knife
– Fillet knife
– Cutting board
Place the cleaned Salmon on a cutting board with its back towards you.
Make the first cut just behind the gill plate of your salmon and cut it lengthwise along to the backbone.
Now hold the knife in your hand such that its blade is parallel to the length of the fish and insert it into the meat until the tip of the knife hits its backbone.
Keep the knife tip on the spine and cut down the length of it. If you feel you have lost contact with the backbone at any stage, stop cutting and reposition your knife before proceeding.
Once you are near the adipose fin on the back, just behind the dorsal fin, gently lift the knife blade just over the backbone and cut through the fish. Move the knife in the direction of the tail to finish your cut.
After completing the first cut, return to the head end and make a small cut through the line of pinbones. Be careful - the cut should not be deep enough to reach the ribs of the fish.
Next step is to cut along the ribs. Hold your fillet knife at a shallow angle to the ribcage and cut down the ribs. To make sure you do not cut through the ribs, stay parallel to the rib line.
Next step is to turn the fish over and make fillets from the other side, repeating the above steps. The only difference here will be starting a cut from the tail end and working back to the head. However, if you feel comfortable you can start from head and move towards the tail area.
After you have completed filleting, you should have two fillets and the salmon carcass. Discard the carcass and use the fillets as it is or cut them into smaller pieces of your choice.
Grill, BBQ or bake the steaks and enjoy!