How to Find a Job with a Criminal Record

Finding a job with a criminal record isn’t easy as most organisations check the criminal record before offering a job to the candidate. Although not everyone has a clean and perfect record, people who do not have any criminal record find it easier to get a job. Of course, rehabilitation is an achievable goal but an ex offender often find it difficult to find work as they encounter several barriers. If you have a criminal background and get you life back on tract, you should consider adopting simple instruction to give yourself an edge.


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    To be able to find your dream job with a criminal background, you must know your rights. Although you were convicted of a crime, you may have some rights you are not aware of. In some states in the US, you may not have to report arrests that did not end in convictions. Similarly, pending convictions may also not be reported depending on your state’s law. You will need to find out what laws and rules your state is following as sometimes it is possible to erase criminal records.

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    Never hide anything from your potential employer. It is recommended to be as open as possible and put everything down on your resume. Honesty is the best policy and the employer is likely to be impressed if bring everything out in open. Your first job after getting convicted of a crime can be in any industry. Do your best to perform well to give yourself a chance of finding a better job.

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    Consider speaking to a customer service member of a reputable resume building company. It is recommended to get you resume written by professional even if you to pay a small fee to get this job done.

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    Some countries run programs to help the people with criminal records find jobs. Talk to an attorney or a parole officer to get the charges lowered if possible. Meanwhile, apply for as many jobs as you can, even with organisations that you think will never offer you a job. If you are invited for an interview, be prepared to talk about your past including criminal activities. Tell the interviewer that you have learned from your mistakes and are looking forward to be a good employee.

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    Seek support. Ask you relatives, friends and family members to find a job for you. If any of your relatives own a company, request him/her to hire you.

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