How to Find Cookies on Your Computer

Cookies are that part of your information which is packed inside your computer right after you visit different websites through your browser. They basically contain the tracking and preference data which can later be used by your computer in order to load certain web pages quicker than others. Different merchants use this data in order to develop user statistics. Cookies are also used to store user preferences and are quite necessary if you using shopping carts on the internet. Shopping carts can be found on almost every website that is selling anything online. For security purposes it is quite essential to know where your cookies are stored. You may need this data later for different purposes. Here is how you can locate cookies on your computer.
First of all you need to switch on your computer and open up your web browser. It does not matter whether you are using Internet Explorer, Firefox or any other browser, what matters is the fact that you should be able to reach its internet options.
Once you have opened your browser, click on tools, which will be located on the toolbar, and then select internet options.
After you click on internet options, a new window is going to pop up with several different options available in front of you.
Find the browsing history tab which is located in the internet options.
Now under this browsing history options, you will see a small tab for settings.
Once you click on settings you will see another window pop up. There are going to be several different options here as well.
With different boxes available to you, find the one which reads temporary internet files. Under this heading you will see an option of view files. Click on view files in order to open up another window.
Once you are going to click on view files and the new window will pop up, it will contain different files which have been saved on your system. These files are the cookies which are currently saved on your computer.
For Firefox the system does not change, you simply need to open up your web browser and click on options under the tools tab. Click on privacy and directly click on show cookies. You will see a box which will have a list of all the cookies that have been stored through/on Firefox.