How To Find Diamonds and Gold in Mine Craft

Minecraft is a very popular game which was originally made for sandbox and is known as sandbox indie game. This game has been developed and released for many versions from Android to iOS and from Xbox 360 to Xbox Live Arcade. The different aspects of the game give an opportunity to a player to build structures and building by using textured cubes, gold and diamonds. By finding diamond and gold in Minecraft is not a difficult task. Most diamonds and gold are deep within the ground and if you are consistent enough to dig, you will be successful.


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    Understand the game

    First you should understand the game. You can play according to the rules and gradually you will learn what the better way to play this complex yet interesting game. You can also get different ideas from the internet.

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    Treasures are deep within the ground

    Mostly gold and diamonds are deep within the ground and if you need to find them, you will need to dig deep. You will have to dig down until deepest part of earth comes which you cannot dig further. There are many strategies which can be created in the game to dig down and find gold and diamonds.

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    Lava Pools and Caves

    You can also get gold and diamonds from lava pools. If you find any pools and caves, you will be lucky as you just hit the jackpot. Caves and lava pools have large resources of gold and diamonds. If you get lucky, then it will be huge advantage for you to find a big reserve of gold and diamonds. Many expert gamers always look for deep caves and lava pools as they know if they get any kind of lave pool, they can get lots of gold and diamonds.

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    Have patience

    Have patience and play with consistency. Slowly but gradually you will get success. Getting gold and diamonds, you have to mine continuously for hours and hours. You should continue mining and try to find gold and diamonds.

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