How to Find Someone on MySpace

Social networking has become a wide spread phenomenon in today’s world. You can stay connected to your friends, family and loved ones on the internet through social networking websites like Facebook, Twitter, Myspace and Orkut. Moreover, you can also share your photos, videos, statuses and other posts on these websites.

Finding someone you know on MySpace is not that difficult. However, you must possess the basic information about that person in order to search for him or her. In addition, you need to follow some basic guidelines to save time while searching.

Things Required:

– Computer
– Internet connection
– MySpace account
– Details of the particular person


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    First of all, log in to your MySpace account. Open the website, enter your email address and password, and press enter. If you don’t have a MySpace account, you can simply create one. Just click on the sign up option on the main page of the website. You will see a form. Enter your details in that form and proceed. You will receive an activation code in your email which you entered in the form. Go to your inbox and copy the activation code. Then, paste the code in the box on MySpace to activate your account.

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    Now, click on the search bar given at the top of your screen. Enter the name of the person for whom you are searching. You must enter the full name of the person. However, if you don’t remember the full name, you can simply enter the email id. In order to narrow down the results, you can use the advanced search features in which you can filter the results based on country, city, postal codes or schools etc.

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    You can also find your classmates by entering the name of your school. Just click on the search bar and enter the name of the school. You will see the suggestions in the drop box. Then, filter the results by entering the year and major. If your school has many branches in different states, you can also filter the results by location. Please note that searching for your classmate by entering the name of your school and narrowing down the number of results by year and major is the easiest way to reach someone. However, the result will only appear if your classmate has entered the name of his or her school, year and major on their profile page on MySpace.

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