How to Find the Best Foundation Color Shade for You

Foundation is intended to cover up deficiencies in the skin. However, it may damage your image if you do not match your skin colour with colour of the foundation.

Makeup seems easier at a first glance. However, not every woman can impose and select the right makeup on her face. Applying make-up is a fine art since the main purpose of makeup is to highlight good features and hide the flaws.

Therefore, we should be careful to choose foundation colour before applying makeup because correctly executed makeup can transform an ordinary woman into an inconspicuous real beauty.


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    Probe and test any makeup item if you do not want to be mistaken with the colour tones of the foundation. Put the cream on the outside of the palm, on the cheeks, chin and neck. Look closely at the colour combination of cosmetic products with your natural colour of the skin after standing in front of a mirror. It is recommended to match the shade during daylight. The main difficulty behind choosing the right foundation colour is to check whether it perfectly matches the colour of the skin.

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    If possible, try to stick with just two shades of the same brand - lighter and a little darker. Mix them, to make a suitable colour at home. You can match the foundation colour to skin colour with the help of a yellow or golden caster corrector. If you learn how to dilute and pick the right shade of the tonal cream for you personally then you will have no difficulties in treating problems such as the removal of bruises under eyes or face contour adjustment with all of the same foundation with more saturated colour.

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    Choose a foundation that's best for your skin type and tone. Most often, these cosmetics are presented in the form of fluids, creams or gels. When applied to the skin, all of these additives are mixed with the base which gives the face a smooth and radiant appearance. Many foundations contain reflective particles and give the face an additional glow. If your face is greasy, you should not use it.

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