How to Fix a Disk Read Error in Win 2000

A Disk Read Error occurs in Windows 2000, when the user tries to boot his/her computer. It is indeed one of most frustrating errors. Even if the system manages to boot, the user sometimes fails to access the hard drive. As a result, nothing appears but just a blank black screen.

If you are facing any of these issues, there is a serious ‘Disk Read’ error in your system. There might be more than one reason behind this. You may have a damaged hard disk that makes the system totally unbootable and inaccessible.

However, the problem may not entirely due to the damaged disk. You may have an operating system error as well. Such situations are extremely dangerous, as you may lose all your data. In case you don’t have an updated backup in place, you should quickly fix this problem through Windows Data Recovery.


  • 1

    First of all, you need to understand what actually the problem is. There is surely a severe Disk Read Error in your computer, if you come across the following message: “A disk read error occurred.

    Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to restart”. Restarting the system does not help, because the same message continues to appear time and again. And eventually, the system stops working, showing nothing more than a blue screen.

    You shouldn’t try to boot your system through a CD/DVD, as this could make the situation even more problematic. You will eventually face the same message; “Press any key to boot from CD.”

  • 2

    If the hard drive is damaged, there is no solution but to replace it with a new one. Restart your computer and press ‘F2’ as soon as the computer goes for booting.

    If the computer does not take you to the main setup, it means that the hard drive is damaged. It is almost impossible to make a broken hard disk work. However, you may be able to recover some data.

  • 3

    In case the disk is not broken, you shouldn’t face any big problem in fixing the Disk Read Error. The most successful move is to check the hard drive controller, and then use Chkdsk utility to fix the errors in your hard drive.

  • 4

    If the Chkdsk utility does not work, you need to format the hard drive and reinstall the Windows 2000.

  • 5

    If you fail to install the operating system, use any good windows data recovery software to recover the data.

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