How to Fix a Plunger Tub Drain

Plunger tub drain work by blocking the water flow of bathtub. With the passage of time, it wears out and needs to be fixed. Fixing a plunger tub drain is not very difficult. However, you require some specialised tools to get the job done.

Things Required

– Screwdriver
– New overflow assembly and plunger
– Silicone grease
– Drain removal tool
– Silicone caulk
– Caulk gun
– Scissors
– Rag
– Bathroom cleaner
– Plastic gloves


  • 1

    First of all, you have to find the overflow cover plate which is in your bathtub. It is located under the tub spout in most of the installations. You will need a screwdriver to open the screws holding the cover plate. Furthermore, you will have to remove the lever that is given at the front of the controls.

  • 2

    After opening the screws and removing the lever, you have to slowly pull the overflow plate to get it out of the tub. It is very important for you to wear gloves as the plate can cut your fingers. Extract the plunger out from the tube after removing the linkage.

  • 3

    Change the overflow plate and secure it with the screws. Then, tighten the screws with the help of the screwdrivers.

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    Now, you have to put in the tines right on the drain removal tool which is given on the bathtub. In order to unscrew the plunger tub drain, you will have to revolve the removal tool in counter clockwise direction.

  • 5

    You can now clean the plunger tub drain. Start from the bottom of the tub. Then, clean the old caulk with a putty knife. After that, clean the mildew with the bathroom cleaner.

  • 6

    Find the new drain flange and rotate it upside down. Then, pop the caulk into the caulk gun and use scissors to trim it off. Take a bead of caulk and apply it on the rim.

  • 7

    Just spin the flange right-side-up and place it in the drain opening. Take the removal tool and tighten the flange. Let the caulk dry before using the plunger tub.

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