How to Fold a Newspaper to Throw

Delivering newspapers to the subscribers have been helping boys and girls to earn a reasonable pocket money for decades. In most of the countries, people have been receiving the newspapers at their doorsteps which are often delivered by college students. In United States, this helps many students in earning good money as a part-time job. Despite the fact that the job seems too easy, many students face problems in folding and throwing the newspaper in someone’s house. With a little guidance, you can easily fold papers and deliver them in an efficient manner.


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    Fold every paper twice

    In order to deliver a newspaper in an effective manner, it is of utmost importance that you fold every paper twice. Before folding a paper, you must make sure that the front page of the paper is facing downwards. For this, you should turn the paper upside down and start turning it crosswise while starting from the bottom of the newspaper. You must do this firmly as you do not want to spoil the shape of the paper of bend it in an improper manner. A customer never wants the newspaper in a bad shape, so make sure that the paper is folded smoothly, firmly and will not lose its shape.

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    The headline must be prominent

    The key to folding a paper is not just to take care about the newspaper’s physical condition but you should make sure that you fold the paper in such a way that its headline is facing outward and prominent. For this, you must start with the top of the paper and keep rolling it until it covers the previous fold. After you have covered the previous fold of the newspaper with the headline page, you must ensure that the shape of this fold is proper and the paper is in proper condition. After you are done with this part, you must check that your paper should have three sections of folding.

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    Cover the paper with a plastic sleeve

    After you have properly folded the news paper, you must insert it into a plastic sleeve to protect it from dust, water or mud while throwing into the house. Keep that in mind that a newspaper without plastic sleeve is not acceptable and it is highly likely that the paper will be spoiled. Do not forget to wrap a rubber band around the paper.

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