How to Follow Through on Your Goals

People set objectives and goals usually at the end of the year especially New Year’s night, hoping that they will try everything to achieve whatever they want in their life.

Unfortunately, not many people remember about their targets and goals after waking up the next morning. However, there are a few people that are able to realise their dreams after following up their goals with persistence, patience, hard work and dedication.

So, if you really want to achieve any serious target, you should know how to follow through on your goals.

Things Required:

– Pen
– Paper


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    Following up your targets is one of the most difficult tasks that you can do. It is easy to set targets but rather difficult to practice things in order to achieve them. So, in order to realise your ambition and goals, you should write the primary tasks on the paper that are needed to be done in the near future. Take a sheet of paper and a pen and specify your target in detail. For example, you can write down that you want to lose weight.

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    Now divide the task into sub-tasks. That means you have to allocate time to meet your target. If we continue with the theme of losing weight, write: "What I need to do to lose another 10 pounds". That is, you should start acting on a specific plan to make your dream possible or to achieve your desired goal in life. The sub-task may include, “I will do fitness exercises 3 times a week for 1 hour”. Another sub-task could be, “How can I adjust my diet” or "Will walk 3 times a week for thirty minutes".

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    The above principles will help you achieve your goals but the main thing which needs to be done is to refrain from any possible deviation from the primary task.

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    In order to succeed in life, making the most out of every step is necessary after setting priorities. To identify priorities, you need to think twice before assigning deadlines to the main or sub-tasks. Articulate answers to the question that come to your mind in order to follow through on your goals. In this way, you will hardly find any difficulty in fulfilling a plan that already exists in your head. Give yourself a realistic time-frame for its implementation and try to describe the sequence of steps and assign dates for each stage.

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