How to Frame a Basement Wall

If you want to increase the living space in your house, you must have a basement. While planning for the construction of your basement, you will have to determine the place for its interior wall. Framing a basement wall is not so difficult. However, you do have to follow a basic procedure in order to get the job done. In addition, you will require some specialised tools and equipment.

Things Required:

– Hammer
– Nails
– Circular saw
– Chalk reel
– 2 by 4 lumber
– Drill
– Gloves
– Drill


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    First, you have to prepare the exterior walls as it will provide you a place to attach your interior boundaries. In order to prepare the exterior walls, you have to connect foam board to the surface with the help of glue specially designed for this material. It will help you in making your basement insulation more energy efficient. Then, take a chalk reel and mark the horizontal guidelines on the foam board. It is extremely important for you to take all the measurements carefully; otherwise your frame may show signs of tilting. Take the drill and make holes in the board and the exterior wall. After that, hammer the spring spikes into the holes and insert the drywall screws.

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    Now, you have to make the plates for the top and bottom of the wall. These plates will contain two boards, one will attach to the ceiling and the other will stay on the floor. Make sure that you tighten the screws properly. Moreover, the length of the plates must match the size of the wall.

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    If your wall is parallel to the joists of the ceiling, you don’t have to install cross braces. However, if the new wall is vertical to the joists, then you will have to hammer a 2 by 4 or 2 by 6 nails into the wood right between the ceiling joints and flush to the bottom of the joists.

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    Then, cut the 2 by 4 boards which will provide support to the plates fixed on the top and bottom of your wall. Make sure that the boards are of the same length so that they may properly connect with the plates.

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    Take two nails and hammer them into the bottom plate. Now, lift the frame (you may require a partner for help) to the required place and fix it there with the help of nails. In the end, attach the ceiling joists, cross braces and the exterior walls with nails.

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