How to Frighten a Boring Guest

Life can be very strange sometimes. There will be a day when you are expected to meet someone special and all of sudden an unwanted and extremely boring person shows up at your house for dinner.

The worst part is that you cannot be rude and tell him/her to come at some other time.

Big problem isn’t it?

Well, there are ways you can still get your quality time. All you have to do is to be innovative and if you still cannot think of a way, we have provided some time proven techniques.


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    Start acting awkwardly

    The best way to frighten your guest is to act in way that he/she finds it appropriate to leave. Some of the best ideas include making deranged voices, staring continuously and in a meaningful way, and doing things which intrude your guest’s personal space.

    For example, if your guest is a girl, you can come in front of her with your shirt off, while maintaining a very calm demeanour. Then all you have to do is to stare at her relentlessly till the time she starts to feel uncomfortable and insecure.

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    Initiate arguments and turn back on previously held opinions

    If you know your guest, start conversation on topic which you two had already discussed in the past. The trick this time will be to take a position in these discussions which is entirely opposite to your previously held opinions. Make sure to the give guest a feeling that there is something wrong with you. There is a chance that the guest, being boring, might try to avoid further conversation and stay put at your house. In this scenario, don’t fall back and keep on pestering the guest, till the time he finds your company unbearable.

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    Set harmless booby traps

    If all else fails, try to get innovative and set up innocuous booby traps to scare the living hell out of your guest. You can get a lot of detailed ideas from funny websites on the internet. Be sure to strike when the guest is least expecting it.

    For example, you can add some herbal laxative in his drink or food to make him take continuous trip to the washroom, and then remove the soap from there.

    If you really want the guest to leave, turn off the water supply to the washroom.

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