How to Gain Weight in the Face

Do you have a small face? Is your face so small that you avoid coming in front of the cameras? No need to worry as there are millions of ways in order to increase weight on your face in order to add that extra bit of spice to your personality. If you have a small face and want it to change, all you have to do is to follow a few basic steps which include how to eat and what to eat and if you keep up with the routine, you will see weight on your face increase.
The first thing you need to do in order to gain weight on your face is to completely revamp your diet. It is now time for you to start eating foods that are nutritious and have high calories. Foods that have high levels of starches should be consumed on a daily basis. Start eating, bread, rice, pasta and potatoes as they will increase your caloric intake.
Oil is also great for this. Consume oils like the flax oil and olive oil as they will fill your face without harming your overall health. It’s ok to eat junk food but bear in mind that it will never provide a healthy weight gain. However, this habit will increase the chances of obesity and high cholesterol level.
By jumping, jogging and working out, your body’s cortisol production will increase. This is actually a hormone that is produced when you are tired and when released, slows down your metabolism, albeit temporarily. However, do not cross your limits to the point of exhaustion as it could be dangerous to your health.
Eight glasses of water per day is a must as this will flush out all the bad toxins and bacteria out of your system. These toxins lead to weight loss. Furthermore, water will keep your glucose levels normal so you will have a less chance of diabetes or sugar crashes.
Start working out your face in order to increase muscle mass. Breath and hold on to the oxygen with your cheeks puffed out for at least thirty seconds. Then, slowly exhale.
If for some reason, your normal caloric intake is falling short of the required level, you can consume a nutritional supplement. These supplements will add calories to the diet. However, eat less frequently and take nutritional supplementation more as it will affect your metabolism which will then result in you gaining weight in a healthier manner.