How to Get a Copy of My Tax Exempt Letter

Tax exemption letter is an official document which the Federal Board of Revenue or Internal Revenue Service or any other authority grants to non-profit organisations. This memo indirectly validates the status of any organisation which has been established for the welfare of the masses.

The Internal Revenue Service allows the public to get a copy of tax exempt letter in case of any problem. Though, it is a simple process but most of the people make things difficult just because of the ignorance. Going through the proper channel is the only key to obtain the required documents.


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    First of all find the right person to contact otherwise you will be wasting your time in sending your request to the wrong personnel. You may call the relevant office or visit the website to gather contact information of the authorised person.

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    Ask them whether you need to provide some record or not. If they want you to come with some proof then arrange all the documents in a file and take it with you. Normally, you have to provide the legal name of the organisation, Tax ID and Tax exempt certificate. You can carry the original documents for perusal but hand over only the copies of these documents.

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    Write an application to get a copy of tax exemption certificate. You may get an application form from the official website or the nearest office of the Internal Revenue Service. This form will minimise the difficulty level of this correspondence. You can also draft this note on the letterhead of your organisation.

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    If you are writing an application on the letterhead of your organisation then you will have to be very professional while addressing the relevant authority. Put the date on the top left corner of the page and then mention the name of recipient followed by the designation. Include department’s name and then exact address of the office.

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    It is better to make a heading that can give your addressee the main purpose of this application. After the address portion, use the proper salutation and then describe your problem straight away in the beginning.

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    Use the second paragraph of the application to explain why this copy of tax exempt letter is important for you. Request them to examine the attached documents. Give proper closing salutation and then put your name and signature. Do not forget to mention your address on the envelope for further correspondence.

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    Do not lose contact even after sending this application. Call them, send an email or visit the office to expedite the procedure.

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