How to Get an EIN from the Government

The Employer Identification Number, EIN, or the Tax Identification Number is a nine-digit number allocated to small businesses, partnerships, estates, trusts, government agencies as well non-profit organizations for the purpose of reporting taxes on their business account. The reasons for applying for an EIN may vary but the procedure is relatively the same where one can either choose to apply online, by phone or by mail. The Internal Revenue Service is your only source of obtaining an EIN, with little to not costs associated with it.
Visit the IRS website ( in order to start the process. You will obtain all the necessary information from the IRS website. Look out for the SS4- form – Application for an Employer Identification number. At this point you will need to specify the business structure, whether it is sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation etc, in order for the request to process. If you choose to apply online, simply fill the form by providing the relevant details related to your business, along with your Social Security Number and other tax related information. Make sure that you fill the form in one go, as the application cannot be saved. The IRS online system will then verify the information and will provide you with your EIN number. Use it to open your business account in order to perform various business activities.
You can carry out the process on the phone as well where you contact an IRS representative by dialing the toll free number (800 – 829-4933). Make sure that you have filled out the SS4 before you make a call so that the IRS representative can quickly verify the information. If you are an already established business, but have changed your business number, then you may be required to fill the form 8822.
You can further locate the fax number on the IRS website after you have downloaded and printed the IRS form. Complete the form, if you have not already done it and fax it. Make sure that you provide your own fax number so that the EIN number can be sent to you. It could take the IRS representative up to five days.