How to Get Financial Help for Education in London

Education is a prior need of every society, which is why the developed states try to fulfill the educational facility and then look forward to other requirements. Likewise other cities London is also in an urge to eliminate the illiteracy rate among the Londoners. Though there are hundreds of educational institute in London, still children due to financial issues are not able to attend the school and reach the required level of qualification. Most of the students in urge to acquire the financial cost of their education gets involved in different part time jobs, which is why they are not able to give a proper time towards their studies. In order to find a solution for such a problem, the government of London has introduced few programs related to financial help for young people in education or training.


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    When you are intending to apply for financial support the proper channel through which you can do so is by asking your school, college, academy or any educational institute to tell you how the entire procedure will work.

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    The next thing will be to provide an evidence of your status, this can be done by providing your birth and educational certificate.

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    If you are not lying among the mentioned categories but you wish to apply for a discretionary bursary then the household income evidence will be asked.

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    The allowance which is provided to you for your studies is basically known as the educational maintenance allowance.  First you have to make sure that your age is between 16 and 19 or else you are not eligible for such help. Though the organization have a fixed financial cost rate which is £ 1,200 for the disable young people and those who are orphans still the investigation process is carried out, while for others it varies.

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    The financial amount which will be received by you, depends upon the period of education, if your course will last for 30 weeks then you will attain maximum bursary, but if it the period of your education or the course you studying is less than 210 days which makes thirty weeks then the amount of  financial  help will be less and according to the number of weeks.

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    This sort of financial support introduced by the government of the London is available for students who intend to carry on with their full time education or if they wish to work part time jobs as well. The amount of money and the financial help which you require will be allotted to you, but after a complete survey and the circumstance you are in.

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    The best way is to keep on taking updates from your institute about the Educational Maintenance Allowance, so that you do not miss the date of application. Once the application date is closed you will have to wait for the next date.

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