How to Get Fit for Jiu Jitsu

If you have interest in Jiu Jitsu and want to get fit for it, all you need to do is perform some simple exercises on a daily basis. If you ever participated in a Jiu Jitsu competition, you might have felt that being fit is the key to success. Often after losing some matches, people think of things they might have done to win the game. Becoming fit for Jiu Jitsu may sound difficult to you but if you manage to repeat some exercises regularly, the task will not remain difficult.


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    Start your exercise with stretching

    People often make the mistake of starting gruelling exercises without warming up. Starting an exercise without proper stretching often results in severe muscle pain, therefore, it is mandatory that an individual should do all the stretching exercises for at least 15 minutes. You should make sure that all of your body is stretched out otherwise you may suffer from muscle injury.

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    Start doing push ups

    After you have completed your stretching exercises, you should make a schedule of push ups, sit ups and squats. Remember that you should do these exercises according to your weight and the fitness level you want to achieve. You must plan how many of these you can do in a single set and how many sets are you willing to do for each of these. It is recommended that you start with at least 60 of each of these. While doing these exercises, you must use a drink as you do not want to get dehydrated.

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    Do chin ups and dumbbells

    After you are done with the above mentioned exercises, you must use dumbbells to make your arms stronger. As it is the demand of the game, so you should put more emphasis on your muscular strength. Remember that, doing dumbbells alone might not help you achieve a significant output, therefore, you must do chin ups as well. You should set your target for doing 50 of both of these. Do not consume energy drinks and you must focus more on fresh juices.

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    Bench press exercises.

    You must do bench press exercises to keep your chest fit. Your aim should be to lift 30kgs as soon as possible.

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    Rowing machine

    You must use rowing machine to make your arms stronger. You should do 80 pulls when using a machine.

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